10 years passed since Harry Foster was fired from a hit show,
still a handsome bad boy, even after a decade of self pitying drug filled limbo
One night, he ends up getting kicked out of a club for a fight he finished
The club owner, Lupe, tells him to get his life in order. Harry later finds out that this samaritan was once the head of a cartel back in the east coast, but just like so many other angelenos, he took a shot at redemption, moved to LA and opened a nightclub.
When you start getting life advices from drug dealers, that’s when you hit rock bottom.
Lucky for Harry, it meant that the only place to go was his long lost agent.
But, he’ll soon find out, it’s not easy getting back to fame once you got blacklisted.
Created by : Mickael Gold
Produced by: Jo Mannix
Shot by : Asher Ozase
Presented by : Kortex Production
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This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.
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